Call for Papers

Relevant topics and technologies include (but are not limited to):
  • Internet of Things
    Human-Computer Interfaces
    Multi-Agent Systems
    Cloud Computing
    Modeling and Simulation
    Decision Support
    Platforms and Operating Systems
    Programming and Middleware
    Connectivity and Communication
    Scheduling, Tasking and Control
    Home Monitoring
    Ambient Assisted Living
    Technologies and Standards
    Network Performance
    Power Management
    Network Topologies
    Node Mobility
    Cross-Layer Design
    Connected Vehicles
    Networked Embedded Systems
    Wearable Computing and Body Area Networks
    Wireless Network Protocols
    Optical Sensors
    Physical Sensors: Temperature, Mechanical, Magnetic, and other
    Sensor Networks
    Sensor Applications
    Wired and Wireless Sensor Systems: Signals, Transceivers, and Interfaces
    Routing Techniques

  • Biomedical Engineering
    Control Algorithms
    Embedded Reconfigurable, Evolvable Systems
    Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
    Information Theory & Coding
    Mixed Signal Processing
    Multidimensional Signal Processing
    Radar Signal and Data Processing
    Soft Computing Techniques
    Speech and Video Processing
    VLSI architectures for high speed processing

  • Streamed multimedia applications
    Algorithms and implementations
    Image and video processing
    Error concealment techniques
    Management of multimedia services
    Test-beds and trials
    Multimedia games

  • Grid Computing
    Mobile Computing
    Mobile Databases
    Multimedia and VoIP Services & Technologies
    Networking Protocols, Routing, Algorithms
    Network Security
    Optical Networks
    Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Algorithms
    Reliability and Fault-Tolerance
    VLSI for Network Processing
    Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor and Bluetooth Networks

  • Optical networks and switching
    Network architectures and equipment
    Programmable networks
    Test-beds and trials
    New and enhanced services
    Network gaming

  • Traffic modeling
    Embedded Internet devices
    New and enhanced services
    Resource and information management
    Adaptive QoS provisioning
    End-to-end QoS
    Emerging technologies

Language: English is the official language of the conference; the paper should be written and presented only in English.

Proceedings: Registered and Presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into International Conference Proceedings Series, which will be submitted to be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.  

Paper submissions: Manuscripts are encouraged to be submitted to SSIP Series. Papers must describe original work on any of the SSIP related topics.

The submission for SSIP 2025 will be handled through the Conference Management System. 

Each submission should be at least 8 full pages and at most 15 pages. One regular registration can cover a paper within 8 pages, including all figures, tables, and references, and additional pages will be charged. During final submission of accepted papers, authors may purchase extra pages if they find it necessary to address the concerns of the reviewers.

Double blind reviewing: SSIP 2025 follows a double-blind review process. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their initial submission.   

Templates (Microsoft Word & Latex) can be found at the following link:

Ethical Requirements for Authors

The workshop committee requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that:

  • The paper is substantially original and that no paper substantially similar in content has been submitted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the SSIP 2025 review period.
  • The paper does not contain any plagiarism.
  • The paper will be presented by the author or a co-author.